This is what my desk has been looking like for the past few days. Those are paint chips that, sadly, didn't make the cut and are now being used as notepads. The vague (and really weird... yes, that does say 4 and 9/16!) numbers are frame sizes that need to be filled for my wall. Yippie!
Here's a shot of some wall decor basking in the late afternoon glow. I've had a nightmare of a time getting spray paint that works, but I think I'm finally done spraying. Below you'll see the goodies inside for the night, where they'll camp out on the living room floor -- 5th grade Girl Scouts style -- until I decide what will go in each. Tomorrow I'm finally painting my new room!
And here is the contents of dinner for Dan and I (it's my night to make food... can you guess what we're having?). I'm on a no-dairy diet for now due to chronic stomach troubles, so the cheese is mainly for him, but it all looks delicious doesn't it?! It'll be served on our cute little dinette table, with this cute ombre vase I DIY'ed the other day and dollar store daffodils. Maybe if we're feeling fancy there will be candles included too...
Hope everyone is having a marvelous week!

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