easy weekend breakfast/brunch: egg cheese and biscuit sandwich

On the weekends I really love waking up early (Not all the time. There are weekends where I'm like "there was not enough caffiene to get me through this week-- I'm sleepin' IN" and I sleep til noon, trust me.) and making breakfast.

Some days it's all savory (eggs, toast... and don't forget bacon) while other days it's sweet (cinnamon roll pancakes and fresh fruit salad, can I get a "heck yeah!"?). Today I kept it super simple and made a small batch of biscuits and baked eggs.

I love the muffin tin method of cooking eggs, if not because of the easiness (I'm lazy-- sue me) but because they come out almost perfectly every time.

I whipped up the biscuits by combining ¼ cup of Bisquick and ¼ cup of milk into a small bowl and kneading just a tiny bit with my hands. From there, I sprayed my muffin tin with non-stick spray (you can also use butter if you prefer) and put the biscuit mix into 4/6 of my wells.

I used a small muffin tin for this because I wanted it to be quick and simply done in my toaster oven, but you can expand upon this recipe too! I just used the proportions (approximately) on the side of the Bisquick box. A normal batch of biscuits is 2 ¼ cup mix and  cup milk, for reference.

For the eggs, I just cracked two eggs into the sprayed muffin tin and seasoned the top. For me, pepper and garlic salt is the perfect mix. Feel free to experiment with seasonings to create different flavor medleys! I imagine some taco seasoning would be delicious for a "huevos rancheros" type of breakfast (don't forget the salsa ;))

This recipe will be done in about 8-10 minutes at 400° F.

In the end, I had more biscuits than I planned (since I decided to eat my egg sandwich open faced with a little wedge of Laughing Cow cheese) so I had another with pumpkin butter I picked up at a farmer's market in North Carolina last year. It was delectable! These biscuits really are a blank slate and so easy to make.

Hope you enjoyed this post! What do you have on the weekends for breakfast? Do you go all out like I do, or keep it simple with cereal and milk? I'd love to hear from you :)

Til next time,

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